BFI Group Blog
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Global Gold Descends on Las Vegas and the FreedomFest
It had been a few years since the last time we attended, but we at Global Gold found ourselves at this year’s FreedomFest last month in Las Vegas, NV, this time as an appropriately titled “Gold” Sponsor. Every seat was taken at our Breakout session, and time was well spent with curious attendees drawn by their interest in precious metals and Switzerland. Clearly, Global Gold’s message resonates well with pro-liberty and free-market-minded thinkers!
Prior to the start of the FreedomFest, we held our own “Briefing” with a select and intimate group of friends that included clients, prospects, colleagues, and partners.
Our Briefing started with a breakdown of the companies within the BFI Capital Group, as some attendees were also quite familiar with our sister companies, BFI Consulting and BFI Infinity. Then we dove into Global Gold’s history, processes, and what our clients have to look forward to on our horizon. And, the Briefing served as a celebration of our Group’s 25th anniversary.
Mark Skousen, the producer of the FreedomFest, graciously started our Briefing off and our good friends, Michael and Rich Checkan, from Asset Strategies, also pitched in some time to share their thoughts on the current environment for precious metals and celebrate our long history together.
The celebration of BFI Capital Group’s 25th anniversary was made complete with the fact that some of our long-term clients were there, one of whom has been with our Group through nearly our entire history!
FreedomFest’s theme this year was “Where is the Voice of Reason?”, a great question considering the current political, geo-political, economic, and social climate in the United States and around the world. In an event that Steve Forbes calls “the gold standard of conferences”, Mr. Forbes kicked off the FreedomFest with a presentation in front of what was easily a couple thousand attendees.
Other featured and Key Note speakers included Judge Andrew Napolitano, Doug Casey, Keith Fitz-Gerald and Robert Kiyosaki, and key topics covered included a return to the roots and ideals the US was originally built on, an individual’s freedom of choice (in many facets of life, including investing) and of course the current geo-political situation and where it might take us.
We found this group of largely Libertarian and like-minded thinkers quite interested in Switzerland and our belief that it is one of the, if not THE, place for storage of at least some of your precious metals and assets. Current metals’ prices also drew quite a bit of interest, although we are still surprised more people are not taking advantage of the incredible prices we are seeing now.
To sum up, we had a great time seeing old friends and making new ones, and FreedomFest is an event we would always consider again for the future. Next year’s theme will be “,The Wild West”, which will no doubt be an appropriate title with many of the things we are already seeing today.
And as always, we will keep our readers posted as to our future trips with the hopes of meeting you personally. As one of our Briefing and FreedomFest attendees proclaimed, "It was really great to finally meet you after all of the emails we've had. And I learned so much more than I thought I would. Be sure to let me know when you come back to the states again...I'm looking forward to it!"
I couldn't agree more!