BFI Group Blog

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BFI Capital
March 16, 2022

VIDEO: BFI – Services You Might Not Realize Exist…and You Need!

While many of our blog readers know us through our blog posts, you may not realize – and that is something we plan to change here today – that we have been creating video content for some time to explain the services we offer, to interpret why investing internationally is important, or simply to just share who we are, what we do, or how we do it. We’ve recently added quite a bit of new content, and we welcome you to have a look!

Recently, the BFI Capital Group team created another round of short videos to discuss and explain some of the key components of what we do, based particularly on the subjects that are currently on the minds of a lot of investors.

In doing so, these videos also provide a great opportunity to hear directly from and to get to know the personalities behind the team that have helped BFI successfully provide 30 years of expertise in the international wealth management and wealth preservation field.

Allow us to introduce you to the team and our services – you can click on each picture to take you to the video library:

Frank R. Suess, CEO, Founder, and Chairman of the BFI Capital Group

Frank helps to answer questions like why Americans (and all others, for that matter) need offshore wealth planning, why they should have gold in their portfolios, and a key topic the remains important today: 10 cornerstones of an effective, offshore strategy.

Bernarda Pesantez, Partner & Management Wealth Planning at BFI Consulting

Bernarda discusses, amongst other topics, the overall services offered at BFI, a Gold Lombard solution we’ve been able to use for some clients, and dives into the deep subject of PPLI, or Private Placement Life Insurance, and the effective investment tool it is.

Daniel Zurbruegg, Partner and Chief Executive Officer of BFI Infinity

Daniel covers why active risk management is so important, reasons for investors diversifying their assets overseas and the things that need to be considered, and the all-important question of “Why Switzerland?”.

Video offers a means of showing who you are, not merely expressing what you think. ~  Daniel Zurbruegg, CEO of BFI Infinity

Dirk Steinhoff, Partner and Chief Investment Officer, BFI Infinity

Dirk takes us through how investing needs to be done in this “new era” we find ourselves in, considers the importance of jurisdictional and investment diversification, and covers how alternative investments need to be part of one’s wealth game plan today.

Scott Schamber, Partner & Managing Director of BFI Bullion

Scott focusses on the services offered at BFI Bullion, looks into the unique Key Box storage option, and also in videos from the “Global Gold” days, talks about what makes our metals purchase and storage offering different than others.

We hope you enjoy the video library and welcome you to ask us about the service possibilities that exist at BFI…and why you need them!

>> Check out all videos here.

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