BFI Group Blog

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BFI Capital
July 21, 2021

Christmas in June: The BFI Capital Group Team “Holiday” Event

Since Covid stopped our BFI Capital Group team from enjoying our annual team Christmas Event this past winter, as soon as it became possible for all of us to get together again, we jumped on the opportunity to spend some time away from the office with one another. Let’s call it a “Christmas in June” team holiday event. In this rare treat, enjoy meeting the BFI Team!

As everyone knows and understands, the Covid situation disrupted many, many “normalities” of the not-too-distant past. We were no different here at the BFI Capital Group – BFI Consulting, BFI Infinity, and Global Gold – as different levels of home-office rules stretching back into 2020 kept us from being able to get together for team trainings and team events.

That’s why, when a pull back of restrictions made it possible for us to finally get together, we jumped on the chance to have our Christmas event…in June! We travelled to a small village in the heart of the Swiss Alps. Apparently, we were the only ones with that idea: we literally had a whole hotel to ourselves!

It was a mix of work and play, as you’ll see. As part of a workshop discussing our Group’s core values and ethos, we had a filming session where everyone was asked about what it was like working with BFI. Originally, the footage was supposed to only be used internally. But we believe it came out so well that we couldn’t resist sharing it with all of you in the form of a short video.

In the following video, you’ll see how we mixed in content of our team trainings with our visit to an adventurous climbing park in the midst of a forest, and a visit to a traditional Swiss cheese factory located high up in the mountains. When we say “traditional” Swiss cheese factory, we mean a small family business led by a farmer that produces his own cheese with the milk of his neighbor’s cows – very impressive!

You know the old adage, work hard, play hard? As you will see here, the BFI team certainly knows it well.


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